“The Great Wave off Kanagawa” by Katsushika Hokusai, 1831 Though the term “Anima” hails from Latin and “psyche” originates from Ancient Greek, both words converge on a single, profound meaning: the soul. When we ponder the concept of the soul, we imagine a complex tapestry woven from our emotions, experiences, and both conscious and subconscious […]
“Evening Melancholy” by Edward Munch Though the term “Anima” hails from Latin and “psyche” originates from Ancient Greek, both words converge on a single, profound meaning: the soul. When we ponder the concept of the soul, we imagine a complex tapestry woven from our emotions, experiences, and both conscious and subconscious thoughts. To gain a […]
“Automat” by Edward Hopper, 1927 There’s a lot to be said for looking someone in the eyes when you’re having a conversation, but it turns out that not everyone shares this sentiment. In fact, some people may prefer to avoid eye contact altogether. The reasons for this behavior vary depending on the individual and can […]